() Do you have trouble figuring out how to get into your area of the professional comedy industry, actually get jobs, get hired, get paid?
() Are you lacking people inside your industry who will really help or advise you -- vs. just being nice to you, telling you easy things and cliches, and then leaving you alone again to figure things out on your own?
() Do you put in a lot of work, but still lack a solid set of amazing, finished products -- completed scripts, killer standup sets, memorable short videos, powerhouse writing samples, awesome acting reels, super cool marketing materials -- that really impress pro’s who are hiring?
() Do you have an excellent outside reader/evaluator who can tell you why your stuff isn’t working, and how to fix it?
() Do you feel like you have a lot to give, but people who hire aren’t hiring you, aren’t reaching out to you, aren’t actively trying to get you to work with them?
() Do you put in a lot of time and effort on things that seem to fizzle instead of grow?
() Do you lack an accurate read on how competitive you are with pro’s who are doing what you want to do?
() Do you have a lot of motivation, joy, and creative juice about working in comedy, but need help turning that good energy into a real career?
() Or, finally, are you possibly shooting yourself in the foot with some “personality issues” that keep people from wanting to work with you?
Then, yeah, you need a mentor. Everyone needs someone smart and experienced who is actually willing to help them get to where they want to go. Especially in difficult industries like entertainment. It would have made a massive difference in my own career if had had someone back in my 20's -- or at any point, really -- who could have given me real, ongoing, personalized, and perceptive advice on who I was/wasn't, whether my stuff was ready to be seen and how to get it to where it was ready to be seen, how the industry works, and how to plan my way through it all in a productive way. Massive. So that’s what I’m offering here in this little biz. And the $100 a month is an incentive to get me to offer this stuff to people I don't really know, at least when we start.
Pop me a note, danmentorscomedywriters @ gmail, we'll figure out if mentoring is right for you. - dan
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